Galay,. İ., Emin, Atasoy, (2013) Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident in Belarus, The Scıence and Educatıon at the Begınnıng of the 21st Century ın Turkey, Editor: Aleksandır Drujinin, Zdravka Kostova, İgor Sharuho, Emin Atasoy, Published by St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofiya, Bulgaria, 2013, p. 898-915
Şenşekerci, E., Emin, Atasoy, (2013) The Development, Reliability and Validity of the Scale for Democracy in Family and School Environment, The Science and Education at the Beginning of the 21 st Century in Turkey, Editor: Olga Strelova, İlia Hristov, Kenan Mortan, Penka Peeva, Rıza Sam, Neslihan Sam, Elena Galay, Emin Atasoy, Volume: 3, Published by St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofiya, Bulgaria, 2013, p. 665-66
Kostova, Z., Vladimirova, Emin, Atasoy(2013) Development of Environmental Literacy by İnteractive Didactic Strategies, The Scıence and Educatıon at the Begınnıng of the 21st Century ın Turkey, Editor: Aleksandır Drujinin, Zdravka Kostova, İgor Sharuho, Emin Atasoy, Published by St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofiya, Bulgaria, 2013, p. 366-383
Emin, Atasoy and Soykan, A. “The Problems That Weaken The Geopolitical Rower of Russia at the Begining of XXI Century”, Students Personal Development ın Modern Education and Society (Vol. III), Blageovgrad and Sant Petersburg, ISBN 978-954-680-638-3, p. 291-313
Emin, Atasoy and Soykan A. and Efe, R. “The Turısm Potential and Problems ın Bursa and Uludag”, Students Personal Development ın Modern Education and Society (Vol. III), Blageovgrad and Sant Petersburg, ISBN 978-954-680-638-3, p. 314-328
Erlan Kabıyev Zharas Berdenov, Gulzhan Dzhanaleeva, Erbolat Mendybayev, Emin Atasoy (2018), “Landscape Ecological Analysis of the Modern Delta of the Ural (Zhayik) River”, Science, Ecology and Engineering Research in the Globalizing World, Managing Editor Prof. Dr. Recep Efe, Published by St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofiya, Bulgaria, pp. 9-28
Gulnur Z. Mazhitova, Kulchikhan М. Dzhanaleyeva, Banu B. Doskenova, Еmin Atasoy, (2018) “Comprehensive Analysis Of Natural Agricultural Potential Of North Kazakhstan Region”, Science, Ecology and Engineering Research in the Globalizing World, Managing Editor Prof. Dr. Recep Efe, Published by St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofiya, Bulgaria, pp. 504-511
Abdullah Soykan, Emin Atasoy, Hakan Önal (2018) “The Importance Of National Parks İn the Development of Environmental Awareness and Environmental Education in Turkey” Social Sciences Researches in the Globalizing World, Managing Editor Prof. Dr. Recep Efe, Published by St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofiya, Bulgaria pp. 371-385
Elif Alkar and Emin Atasoy (2021) “The Role of Cultural Intelligence in Multicultural Education and Teacher Competencies”, Editors: Zdravka Blagoeva Kostova, Kaimuldinova Kulyash Duisenbaevna, Emin Atasoy and Betül Batır, “Developments In Educatıonal Scıences”, Kliment Ohridski University Press Sofia, Sofia, p. 129 – 139
Alkar, E. & Atasoy, E. (2022) “International Student Migration in the World and in Turkey”, Academic Researches and Studies in Sciences, Editors: Ranguelov, B. & Efe, R. & Uğuz, S. Ç., “St. Kliment Ohridski University Press”, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 2 – 16
Kara, T. & Atasoy, E. (2022) “The Importance of Social Participation Skills in Social Studies Education”, Academic Researches and Studies in Sciences, Editors: Ranguelov, B. & Efe, R. & Uğuz, S. Ç., “St. Kliment Ohridski University Press”, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp, 32 – 48