SSCI ve Scopus Dergilerdeki Yayınlarım

  • Emin, Atasoy (2009) “Eight Grade Students Associations of Geographical and Environmental Concepts (A Comparative Study Between Turkey and Bulgaria)“, The New Educational Review, Poland, Vol. 17, No. 1, Pages: 102- 124
  • Soykan, A. Emin, Atasoy Kostova, Z., (2012)  “Historical Development of Environmental Education in Bulgaria” Journal of Environmental Biology, Volume 33, Number 02, April 2012, İndia, Pages:  499-508
  • Galay, E., Emin, Atasoy, Jakupov, A., Mazbaev, O. (2014) “National park of the Republic of Belarus” Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 2. Pages: 619-644
  • Onay, T. Arslan, M. Emin, Atasoy  (2014) “Determination of Metals, Carbon and Nitrogen Content in the Sediments of the Black Sea”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 3, Pages: 853-870
  • Zhakupov,  A. A. Emin, Atasoy, Galay E.    (2014)  “An Evaluation of Recreational Potential of BSNP in Order to Increase the Touristic Image of the Pavlodar Region” Volume: 37, Issue: 3, Pages: 871-881
  • Emin, Atasoy (2014) “Milestones In Environmental Education For Sustainable Development”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 4,  Pages: 1111-1124
  • Toteva, D. Emin, Atasoy (2014) “Eco Governance in Viticulture in Bulgaria”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 4,  Pages: 1083-1089
  • Emin, Atasoy, (2015) Geo-ecologıcal State of Mınsk Envıronment”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 38, Issue: 1 (Yayına kabul edilmiştir)
  • Galay, E., Emin Atasoy, Jakupov, A., Mazbaev, O. (2014) “National park of the Republic of Belarus” Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 2. Pages: 619-644
  • Onay, T. Arslan, M. Emin Atasoy  (2014) “Determination of Metals, Carbon and Nitrogen Content in the Sediments of the Black Sea”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 3, Pages: 853-870
  • Zhakupov,  A. A. Emin Atasoy, Galay E.    (2014)  “An Evaluation of Recreational Potential of BSNP in Order to Increase the Touristic Image of the Pavlodar Region” Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 3, Pages: 871-881
  • Emin Atasoy (2014) “Milestones In Environmental Education For Sustainable Development”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 4,  Pages: 1111-1124
  • Toteva, D. Emin Atasoy (2014) “Eco Governance in Viticulture in Bulgaria”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 4,  Pages: 1083-1089
  • Emin, Atasoy, (2015) “Geo-ecologıcal State of Mınsk Envıronment”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 38, Issue: 1, Pages: 222-231
  • Gülüm, K., Emin Atasoy, Hristov, İ, Galay, E. (2015) “Agrophysical and Agrochemical scientific base for ıntegred management of agroecosystem water-nutrients statuses” Oxidation Communications, Volume: 38, Issue: 1. Pages: 210-221
  • Zhakupov A. A., Saparov K. T., Mazbaev O. B., Dzhanaleeva G. M., Musabaeva, M. N.,Yeginbayeva A. E., Emin Atasoy (2015). Fundamentals of recreation-geographic assessment for tourism development. Oxidation Communications. Series: Ecology – remediation of water and soils. Vol. 38 No3. 2015. p.1530-1539.
  • Kızılcaoğlu, A., Galay, E., Gülüm, K., Emin, Atasoy, (2015) “Territorial Structure of Gross Polutant Emissions ın the Open Air of Belarus”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 38, Issue: 4,
  • Mendybayev E. H., Atayeva G., Berdenov Zh., Atasoy Emin. (2016).  «Geochemical Researches Of Region Soil With Technogenic Influence In Terms Of Borlinskiy Region, West Kazakhstan» Oxidation Communications. Volume: 38, Issue: 4 
  • Yeginbayeva A. E., Saparov K. T., Emin Atasoy (2016). «Toponymic Approach To The Study Of Landscape Dynamics». Oxidation Communications. Volume: 39, Issue: 1
  • Zhakupov A. A., Mazbaev O. B., Musabaeva M.N., Emin Atasoy (2016).  «Recreational Landscape System Of The North-Eastern Part Of Kazakhstan». Oxidation Communications. Volume: 39, Issue: 1
  • Izenbayev, B. Mazbayev, O. Saiken, A. Tasbolat, B. Emin Atasoy. (2016).  «The Great Silk Road As A Factor Of Development Of The Tourism Industry». Oxidation Communications. Volume: 39, Issue: 2
  • Izenbayev, B. Mazbayev, O. Saiken, A. Tasbolat, B. Emin Atasoy (2016). «Tourism Development In The Kazakhstan Section Of The Great Silk Road». Oxidation Communications. Volume: 39, Issue: 2
  • Nazgul Zh. Zhensıkbayeva, Kuat T. Saparov, Saltanat M. Kulzhanova, Еmin Atasoy, Jan A. Wendt (2017) “Determınatıon Of Southern Altaı Geography Propıtıousness Extent For Tourısm Development”, Geojournal Of Tourism And Geosites, Year X, 2017 /2, Volume 20, Romania
  • Kuat T. Saparov, Aigul Y. Yegınbayeva, Gulshat Zh. Nurgalıeva, Saltanat M. Kulzhanova, Еmin Atasoy, Jan A. Wendt (2017) “The Questıon Of Kazakh Natıonal And Geographıcal Toponymıc As A Potentıal Factor Of Tourısm Development”, Geojournal Of Tourism And Geosites, Year X, 2017 /1, Volume 19, Romania
  • Duman T. Alıaskarov, Aliya S. Beısenova, Saken N. Irkıtbaev, Emin Atasoy, Tomasz Wıskulskı (2017) “Modern Changes In Zhezkazgan Cıty: Posıtıve And Negatıve Factors Of Tourısm Development (Kazakhstan)” Geojournal Of Tourism And Geosites, Year X, 2017 / 2, Volume 20, Romania
  • Z.A. Amirzhanovna, K.M. Zhanaleyeva, B.Z. Galimzhanovich, K.T. Saparov, E. Atasoy, (2017) “Assessesment of Hydrogeoecological Features of the Yesil River Basin”, Journal of Environmental Biology, Special issue, Volume: 38, Number: 5, pp. 1115-1120, September 2017, India
  • Yerlan S. Kabıyev, Zharas G. Berdenov, Kulchihan M. Dzhanaleeva, Еmin Аtasoy, Jan A. Wendt  (2018) “Landscape Ecologıcal Analysıs Of The Modern Delta Of The Ural (Zhayık) Rıver”, Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites, Year XI, vol. 23, no. 3, 2018, p. 644-655
  • Z. Маzhitova, K. М. Janaleyeva, Z. G. Berdenov, B. B. Doskenova , Е. Atasoy, (2018) “Assessment Of The Sustaınabılıty Of Landscapes Of The North-Kazakhstan Regıon To Agrıcultural Impact”, News Of The Natıonal Academy Of Scıences Of The Republıc Of Kazakhstan, Serıes Of Geology And Technıcal Scıences, ISSN 2224-5278, Volume 3, Number 429 (2018), p. 90–95
  • A. Aubakirova, Z. K. Shomanova, R. Z. Safarov, Е. Atasoy (2019) “Analysıs Of Copper-Contaınıng Products For The Content Of Noble Metals”, News Of The Natıonal Academy Of Scıences Of The Republıc Of Kazakhstan, Serıes Chemıstry And Technology, Volume 4, Number 436 (2019), P. 60–65
  • A. Aubakirova, Z. K. Shomanova, R. Z. Safarov, Е. Atasoy (2019) “Atomıc Emıssıon Method Wıth Inductıvely Coupled Plasma For Determınıng Of Noble Metals (Au, Ag)In Samples Of Industrıal Blıster Copper”, News Of The Natıonal Academy Of Scıences Of The Republıc Of Kazakhstan, Serıes Chemıstry And Technology, Volume 4, Number 436 (2019), P. 53–59
  • Akzhunus G. Abdullına, Kuat T. Saparov, Aigul M. Sergeyeva, Aigul Y. Yegınbayeva, Еmin Atasoy “The Importance Of Toponymy Of Mugalzhary Mountaın Plots And Adjacent Terrıtorıes To The Development Of Geoturısm” GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites Year XII, vol. 25, no. 2, 2019, p.664-674
  • Nazym K. Kabdrakhmanova, Meruyert N. Mussabayeva, Еmin Atasoy, Nazgul Z. Zhensıkbayeva, Sanat Kumarbekuly (2019) “Landscape And Recreatıonal Analysıs Of Yertıs Rıver Upper Part On The Basıs Of Basın Approach (Kazakhstan”), GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, Year XII, vol. 27, no. 4, 2019, p.1392-1400
  • Chashina, B., Ramazanova, N., Atasoy, E., Berdenov, Zh., Ilieș, D.C. (2020). “Natural Recreatıon Potentıal Of The West Kazakhstan Regıon Of The Republıc Of Kazakhstan”. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 32 (4), p. 1355–1361.
  • Hakan Türk ve Emin Atasoy, (2020) “A Critical Approach to Geography Curriculum in Terms of Global Awareness Attainments”, Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 10 (1), Special Issue, p. 65-83. ISSN: 2146-0353
  • Darbayeva, N. Ramazanova, B. Chashina, Z. Berdenov, E. Mendybayev, J.A. Wendt and E. Atasoy, (2020) “Modeling soil erosion in the Chagan river basin of the west Kazakhstan with using RUSLE and GIS tools”, Journal of Environmental Biology, JEB Special Issue, March 2020, Volume: 41, Number 2, p. 396-404
  • C. Ilie, L. Indrie, A. Ilie, F. Marcu, A. Axinte, L. Burt, G.V. Herman, E. Atasoy, A. Baidog, C. Iovan, A. Albu, M. Costea and J.A. Wendt (2020) “Investigation of old textiles using scanning electron microscopy”, Journal of Environmental Biology, JEB Special Issue, March 2020, Volume: 41, Number 2, p.499-504
  • Elif Alkar & Tolga Kara & Emin Atasoy (2021) “Factors Impactıng The Effectıve Cıtızenshıp Values Of Secondary School Students Wıthın The Scope Of Socıal Studıes Educatıon”, Pedagogy, Volume 93, Number 8, p. 1100 – 1118, Bulgaria
  • Hakan Türk ve Emin Atasoy, (2021) “Sosyal Bilgiler Dersi Öğretim Programının (2018) Küresel Vatandaşlık Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”, Millî Eğitim Dergisi, Ankara, Cilt: 50,  Bahar/2021,  Sayı: 230, S.147-16
  • Yerkin Tokpanov, Emin Atasoy, Erbolat Mendybayev, Bakhadurkhan Abdımanapov, Yerlan Andasbayev, Roza Mukhıtdınova, Zhansulu Inkarova, (2021) „Prospects For The Development Of Health Tourısm On Lake Ray In The Almaty Regıon Of The Republıc Of Kazakhstan”, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, Year XIV, Vol. 37, No. 3,  p. 888-893
  • Seraliyev, A. & Kulyash, K. & Duman, A. & Atasoy, E. & Yerlan, N. & Baktybekov, M., (2022) “Technology for teaching regional economic relationships based on the updated content of education”, Cypriot Journal of Educational Science, 17 (2), pp. 531-541
  • Atasoy, E. & Atiş, E., Kanagatov, Z. & Izenbaev, B. & Kabiyev, Y.S., & Seraliyev, A. (2022). “Characterıstıcs And Tourısm Potentıal Of The Burabay Natıonal Park (Kazakhstan)”, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 43 (3), pp. 1129–1137
  • Turyspekova, E. & Ramazanova N. & Аtasoy E. (2022) “Prospects For The Development Of Ecotourısm In The Terrıtory Of The Katon-Karagaı State Natıonal Nature Park Of The East Kazakhstan Regıon”, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 45 (4 spl.), pp. 1560–1569
  • Akylbekov, K, Atasoy, E, Issagaliyeva, E, Mendybayev, E, Berdenov, Zh. & Ortega Espaldon, M. V. (2022) The Marınduque Island From The Perspectıve Of Tourısm Geography”. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 44 (4), pp. 1459–1471
  • Savanchiyeva, A. & Atasoy, E. & Berdenov, Zh. & Mambetaliyev, K. & Muzdybayeva, K. & Khamitova, D. (2023). “Tourıst Resources And Tourıst Potentıal Of Mındoro Island In The Phılıppınes”. Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites, 48 (2spl), pp. 672–684.
  • Tergenbayeva, Z. & Karasholakova, L. & Sarıkurt, B. & Özdilek, Z. & Atasoy, E. & Kitapbayeva, A. (2023) “Investigation of Pre-Service Science Teachers; Knowledge Levels,Practical Experiences, and Perceived Competencies in Teaching Biodiversity at School”, Journal of Turkish Science Education, 20 (4), pp. 695 – 717