Galay, E., Emin, Atasoy, Jakupov, A., Mazbaev, O. (2014) “National park of the Republic of Belarus” Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 2. Pages: 619-644
Onay, T. Arslan, M. Emin, Atasoy (2014) “Determination of Metals, Carbon and Nitrogen Content in the Sediments of the Black Sea”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 3, Pages: 853-870
Zhakupov, A. A. Emin, Atasoy, Galay E. (2014) “An Evaluation of Recreational Potential of BSNP in Order to Increase the Touristic Image of the Pavlodar Region” Volume: 37, Issue: 3, Pages: 871-881
Emin, Atasoy (2014) “Milestones In Environmental Education For Sustainable Development”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 4, Pages: 1111-1124
Toteva, D. Emin, Atasoy(2014) “Eco Governancein Viticulture in Bulgaria”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 37, Issue: 4, Pages: 1083-1089
Emin, Atasoy, (2015) “Geo-ecologıcal state of Mınsk envıronment”, Oxidation Communications, Volume: 38, Issue: 1 (Yayına kabul edilmiştir)
Galay, E., Emin, Atasoy, (2013) Ecological State of Open Air in Minsk Region, Journal of Balkan Ecology, Vol: 16 No: 2, Sofya, Bulgaria, 2013, p. 191-200
Efe R. , Emin, Atasoy, Cürebal İ., Sönmez S., Soykan A., (2013) “Relationship Between Ecological Properties and Vegetation Types of Southern Part of the Kaz Mountains (Western Turkey)”, Journal of Balkan Ecology, Sofya, Bulgaria
Emin, Atasoy, (2013) Urbanizatsiyata v Republikanskiya Period na Turtsiya: Osobenosti, Regionalni Razliçiya i Problemi, Academıc Journal Management and Educatıon, Vol. IX (4), Unıversıty “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2013, p. 35-45
Efe, R., Soykan, A., Cürebal, İ., Emin, Atasoy, Sönmez, S., (2012) Ecological Conditions and Distribution of Vegetation on Southern Slopes of Kaz Mountain, Turkey, Journal of Balkan Ecology, Vol: 15 No: 4, Sofya, Bulgaria, 2012, p. 373-382
Soykan, A. Emin, AtasoyKostova, Z., (2012) “Historical Development of Environmental Education in Bulgaria” Journal of Environmental Biology, Volume 33, Number 02, April 2012, İndia, p. 499-508
Oban, R and Emin, Atasoy(2011), “The importance of church graves in terms of cultural tourism: a case study from Buca” Academıc Journal Management and Educatıon, Vol. 3, p. 24-31, Unıversıty “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Bourgaz, Bulgaria
Emin, Atasoy and Oban, R (2011), “Ecoturism and environment education”, Academıc Journal Management and Educatıon, Vol. 3, p. 131-138, Unıversıty “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Bourgaz, Bulgaria
Emin, Atasoy and Gulum, K. and Soykan (2011), A. “What kind of world regional geography education shoud we target in universities of the twenty-fırst century?” Academıc Journal Management and Educatıon, Vol. 3, p. 139-146, Unıversıty “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Bourgaz, Bulgaria
Emin, Atasoy (2010) “Geographic, Demographic and Economic Potential of Turkey”, Academıc Journal Management and Educatıon, Vol. 6, p. 156–162 Unıversıty “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Burgas, Bulgaria
Emin, Atasoy (2009) “Eight Grade Students Associations of Geographical and Environmental Concepts (A Comparative Study Between Turkey and Bulgaria)”, The New Educational Review, Poland, Vol. 17, No. 1, p. 102- 124
Emin, Atasoy (2009) “Ekologishnata Nravstvenost v Ekologishnoto Vazpitanie na Detsata”, Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, Vol. 3-4, p. 50-56, Sofya, Bulgaria
Kostova, Z. and Emin, Atasoy(2009), “Students Self-Esteem Of Environmental Knowledge”, Biotechnology&Biotechnologikal Equipment, Volume 23, Number 2, p. 63-66
Emin, Atasoy (2009) “Eight Grade Students Associations of Geographical and Environmental Concepts (A Comparative Study Between Turkey and Bulgaria)”, The New Educational Review, Poland, Vol. 17, No. 1, p. 102- 124
Kostova, Zdravka and Emin, Atasoy(2008) “Environmental Culture of 8th Grade Students in Bulgaria and Turkey”, Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy (BJSEP), Volume 2, Number 1, p. 25–50
Şentürk, Aysan and Emin, Atasoy(2008) “Comparison of the Accuracy of the Human Development Index with a Discriminant Analysis in the Measurement of Human Development”, Ekonomic Studies, İnstitute of Economics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Vol. XVII, No 2, p. 91–101
Kostova, Zdravka and Emin, Atasoy(2008) “Environmental Conciousness- Regulating Factor of Behavior”, Strategıes For Polısy In Scıence And Educatıon, Vol: XVI, No: 1, p. 30–47
Kostova, Zdravka and Emin, Atasoy, (2007) „‟Obrazovanie za Ustoyçivo Razvitie‟‟,“Pedagogika” (Pedagoji Dergisi), Cilt: XVII, Sayı: 8, p. 3–15, Sofya, Bulgariа.
Kostova, Zdravka and Emin, Atasoy(2008) “Methods of Successful Learning in Environmental Education”, Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Education Research Journal, Vol: 4, No: 1, p. 49-78
Kostova, Zdravka and Emin, Atasoy, (2007) “Ecological Conscıousness-A Behavıor Regulatıng Factor”, Academıc Journal Management and Educatıon, Vol. 2, p. 98–105, Unıversıty “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Bourgaz, Bulgaria.
Emin, Atasoy (2007) “Analysis and Structuring of Terms in the Core “Biosphere” in Bulgaria and Turkey Textbooks”, Journal of Balkan Ecology, Vol. 10 No: 1 p. 83-92
Emin, Atasoy (2007) “Tselii osobenosti i problemi na Osnovnoto Obrazovanie v Republika Turtsiya” “Pedagogika” (Pedagoji Dergisi), Cilt: XVII, Sayı:4, p. 76–87, Sofya, Bulgaristan.
Başal, A Doğan Y. and Emin, Atasoy(2007) “Developing Environmental Sensitivity For Children Scale: Reliability and Validity Studies”, Journal of Biological&Environmental Sciences, Vol. 1, No 2, p. 99–104
Emin, Atasoy (2007) “Ekologiçnata Etika v Ekologiçnoto Vazpitanie”, “Ekologiya, Biologiya i Biotehnologiya”, (Ekoloji, Biyoloji ve Bioteknoloji Dergisi), Cilt: XVI, sayı 1, p. 50–62, Sofya, Bulgaristan.
Emin, Atasoy (2007) “Preduçilishtnoto obrazovanie v Republika Turtsiya”, “Preduchilichno Vaspitanie” (Okulöncesi Eğitimi Dergisi), Cilt: LV, sayı 4, p. 13–16, Sofya, Bulgaristan.
Emin, Atasoy, (2006) “Environmental Educatıon in the Natıonal Park Uludag–Bursa”, Academıc Journal Management and Educatıon, Vol. 2, p. 94–97 Unıversıty “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Bourgaz, Bulgaria.
Emin, Atasoy (2006) „‟Obrazovatelnata Sistema i Оbuçenieto po İstoriya v Republika Turtsiya”, “Dialogat v İstorıyata” (Tarihte Diyalog Dergisi), sayı 15, p. 23–37, Sofya, Bulgaristan.
Emin, Atasoy (2006) “Geopolitiçeski aspekti na Turskata energetika”, “Geopolitika” (Jeopolitik Dergisi), Sayı 6, p. 134–142, Sofya, Bulgaristan
Emin, Atasoy (2006) “Rolyata i Myastoto na Ekologiçnoto Vazpitanie vav Vzaimootnoşeniyata Mejdu Deteto i Prirodata”, “Pedagogika” (Pedagoji Dergisi), Cilt: XVI, Sayı: 11, p. 72–88, Sofya, Bulgaristan.
Efe, R., Emin Atasoy, Soykan. A. (2015) “Antropogenic Impact on Kazdag Ecosystem in the Period of an Antropocene”, “Actual Problems of Geoecology and Landscape Scıens”, The Belarussian State Unıversıty, The Faculty of Geography, Collection of Scientific Artıcles, Issue 2, Minsk, 2015, pp. 55-58
M. Belgibaev, O. Mazbaev, K. Saparov, B. Asubaev, Emin Atasoy (2014) “Origin and Preservation of Irtysh Relic Pine Forest of Kazakhstan” Journal of Balkan Ecology, Sofya, Bulgaria, Volume: 17, No: 2, p. 153-159
Galay, E., Emin Atasoy, (2013) Ecological State of Open Air in Minsk Region, Journal of Balkan Ecology, Vol: 16 No: 2, Sofya, Bulgaria, 2013, p. 191-200
Emin Atasoy, (2013) Urbanizatsiyata v Republikanskiya Period na Turtsiya: Osobenosti, Regionalni Razliçiya i Problemi, Academıc Journal Management and Educatıon, Vol. IX (4), Unıversıty “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2013, p. 35-45
Izenbayev, O. Mazbayev, A. Saiken, B. Tasbolat, E. Atasoy (2016) “The Great Silk Road as a Factor of Development of the Tourism Industry”, Oxidation Communications. Volume: 39, Issue: 2, p. 368-377
Yeginbayeva A. E., K. Saparov, A. Rakisheva, E. Atasoy. (2016) “Toponymy of flatlands of Kazakhstan”, Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi, Sayi: 33, Ocak – 2016, S. 641-655. – Тurkey, İstanbul – ISSN:1303-2429 E-ISSN 2147-7825.
Zhakupov A. A., Mazbaev O. B., Musabaeva M.N., E. Atasoy (2016). «Recreational Landscape System Of The North-Eastern Part Of Kazakhstan». Oxidation Communications. Volume: 39, Issue: 1, p. 378-383.
Zhakupov A. A., Mazbaev O. B., Musabaeva M.N., E. Atasoy (2016). «Recreational landscape system of the north-eastern part of Kazakhstan. Oxidation Communications. Volume: 38, Issue: 4.
Zharas Galimzhanovich Berdenov, Еmin Atasoy, Erbolat Hamzinowicz Mendybayev, Gulschat Ataeva, Jan A.Wendt. (2016) “Geosystems geoecological assessment of the basin of rivers for tourist valorization. Case study of ilek river basin”, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. Year IX, ISSN: 2065-0817 E-ISSN: 2065-1198 2016 / 2, Volume 18, Oradea, Romania.
K. Saparov, Yeginbayeva A. E., E. Atasoy (2016) “Etymological Features of Irtysh River in Pavlodar Region, Kazakhstan”, Journal of Balkan Ecology. – Bulgaria, Sofia. PublishScieSet-Eco Publisher. ISSN 1311-0527. – Vol.19, – No 1, 2016. – Р. 91-95.
E. Аtasoy, К.T. Saparov, А. Е. Yeginbayeva. (2016) “Национальные парки Польши”. Международный научно-методический, педагогический журнал, “Eurasian Education”, Semey Kazahstan: Erudit Group, 2016. – №7-8, p. 21-26
Е. Аtasoy, Мazbaev О. B., Izenbayev B. J., Rakişeva А. K. (2016) “Замки и дворцы Польши.” Научный журнал «Вестник ПГУ». – Павлодар: Кереку, 2016. – №3
Berdenov, J. G., Djanaleeva, G. M., Medibayev, E. H., Ataeva, G., Atasoy, E. ”Landshaftno-Geohimisheskiy Analiz Promishlenih Gorodov”, Vestnik Kaz NRTU, No 1 (119), Ocak 2017, Almatı, Kazahstan
Hakan Önal, Selahi Coşkun, Emin Atasoy (2018) Content, Significance and Global Role of World Regional Geography in the Framework of Pedagogical Perspective, Bulgarian Educational Journal Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, Volume 26, Number 1, 2018
Dzhanaleyeva, G. Mazhitova, A. Zhanguzhina, Z. Berdenov, T. Bazarbayeva, E. Atasoy, (2017) “Technogenesis of Ecoecological Systems of Northern Kazakhsstan: Progress, Development and Evolution”, Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education, Volume: 26, Number: 6, s. 903-921
Dana Mıhıncău A, Dorina Camelia Ilıeș B, Jan Wendt C, Alexandru Ilıeș D, Emin Atasoy E, Paul Szabo-Alexı F, Florin Marcu G, Adina Victoria Albu H, Grigore Vasile Herman (2019) “Investıgatıons On Aır Qualıty In A School”, Journal Of Folıa Geographıca, Volume 61, No. 2, 190–204
А. Chashina, N. Е. Ramazanova, Е. Аtasoy (2020) “Features Of Structural Organızatıon Of Land Use Of Arable Land In The West Kazakhstan Regıon”, “Issues Of Geography And Geoecology”, Llc “The Instıtute Of Geography”, Jsc “Natıonal Scıentıfıc And Technologıcal Holdıng “Parasat”, July – September 2020, ISSN 1998 – 7838, p. 43-53
Chashina, N. Ramazanova, E. Atasoy (2021) “Analysıs Of The State Of Plant Cover Of The Berezovka Rıver Basın Of The West-Kazakhstan Regıon Based On Ndvı”, Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, Publisher
“Al-Farabı Kazakh Natıonal Unıversıty”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Yeginbayeva A. & Atasoy, E. & Keikin E.K. (2023). „Geographical bases of the Formation of Toponyms of Saryarka”, BULLETIN of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Chemistry. Geography. Ecology Series, Vol. 144, No 3, Astana, Kazahstan